Frequently asked questions

You are more than welcome to contact us for any questions.

You might also find some answers in our FAQ or on the page ABOUT.

Weekly classes

In short. It’s just fun. You will be very happy to dance. For some, it’s almost as good as therapy. 

You are very welcome to arrive 10-15 minutes before the lesson begins and when you arrive, the instructors will be ready to receive you. They will check that you are on the participant list and then the lessons start on time.

You will first learn the basic steps. First slowly with a thorough explanation and then to music. Then we start working in pairs and you will experience that it is really fun.

You will find that 75 minutes go by quickly.

You don’t have to, but it is with dance as it is with all other teaching.

If you don’t come and if you don’t practice, you won’t get better. Having said that, it is completely normal to be absent due to work, illness or other reasons.

If you have never danced before, you have to choose Beginner class.

Dancing is a bit like learning a new language. You must have a vocabulary, but you also need to know some grammar. Translated into dance language, you have to learn a lot of movements and combinations, but you also have to learn where to position yourself, how to apply pressure and how to connect with your partner. It takes time. It takes practice and it takes instruction.

You can learn to dance by only going to social dances, but it will be a bit like learning a language without going to language lessons and we would very much like to help you learn to dance, because we are really good at that.

Ask your teachers.

It is completely normal to take the same level several times. Approx. half of all students take the levels multiple times. You can possibly also take two levels at the same time. For example, you can take the beginner level and then, in the following season, take both beginner and improver 1.

It happens and we usually find a solution for it.

You should know that moving from one level to another can go in both directions and here the instructors help to assess your level so that everybody gets the optimal experience.

When you want to register, you must fill in the form on our website.

You will find the form on the CONTACT US page

Once you have completed the form and sent it, you will receive an email with payment information.

Payment must be made via Mobilepay to our company number.

When you have paid and you have received a confirmation of received payment, you have a spot in the class.

You can get your money refunded up to one week before the class you are registered for begins.

If you cancel later than a week before the class starts, you can use your payment for lessons in a later season.

No you don’t need a partner. We strive to create an equal distribution on our dance team so that you get the best experience. We also do a lot of rotation so that you dance with different partners.

You’re welcome to register with one and you can save some money by doing so.

Yes, you can and many do, but you should know that there is an advantage to changing partners. This is because we all move differently and we learn differently, so people who change partners will probably learn to dance a little faster.

It’s a really good idea to practice. Practicing bachata only for the 75 minutes that a lesson takes will mean that you will learn to dance, but you will also find that it progresses slowly.

Practice alone in front of the mirror at home in the bedroom. Practice with someone from class or go to a bachata social.

The term Social is used for a kind of event or party where you dance socially with each other.

A social is often arranged in party rooms, dance halls, bars, etc.

With us, the time after the workshop for NON STOP BACHATA on Mondays is a social one.

You decide what a Social is for you. For many, a Social is a place where you meet people who love to dance bachata. You can dance. You can practice your moves. You can be very serious and just go from one dance to the next, or you can socialize between dances and create new relationships.

At NON STOP BACHATA there is a Facebook group for each class.

In the group, the instructors share videos from the classes so you can practice at home.

You can also use the group to ask questions and coordinate activities with your classmates.

You will receive an information email when you start. In this email there will be links to the groups.


You can park around the area of Skt. Johannesgården. But just outside St. Johannesgården there are stricter parking rules.

It is free to park up towards Skt. Johannesgården. This means that if you park with the front or rear of your car towards Skt. Johannesgården, then you can park legally and for free. If you park elsewhere, you will most likely get a fine.

Yes. There is a open wardrobe unattended on mondays and an open/attended wardrobe on saturdays. The wardrobe is open during Bootcamps and attended in the evening during the Pre-workshop and party.

Fortunately, we have a good and safe environment when we dance. People are good to each other and look after eachother, but from time to time we have things that get lost. Don't leave valuables in the wardrobe, because there will be people who don't dance.

It is quite normal to forget things for NON STOP BACHATA.

If we find something related to the event on mondays, then we put it in the wardrobe.

If we find something related to events on saturdays we put it in the big green box on the floor outside the wardrobe.

If the cleaners find something, they put it in the big green box on the floor outside the wardrobe.

You can come in and collect your things. It is open to St. Johannesgården almost all day.

We try to store earrings and other valuables until we are asked. Ask us if you can't find your things in the green box.